Meet the Committee

The 2024 Committee

Chair Vicky Franklin
President, Vice Chair  & Show Secretary Di Dancer
Treasurer & SJ with William Blane Jackie Hopkins
Dressage Training with Nicky Southall Jacqui Preece
Area Team Manager Ashleigh James
Camp Manager Nicky Lord
Mercian Team Manager & Flatwork with Sophie Farquharson Leah Tolley
Membership Secretary, Website & E-Riders Helen Grove
Contact email for all committee members: [email protected]

Vicky Franklin – Chair

I’ve been riding for over 50 years and I still consider myself an apprentice !  I’ve evented to BE Novice and had a go at BSJA, but much prefer the training and work involved in dressage, so we are spending most of our time within white boards !   I’ve tried most things with my horses – barefoot, bitless, treeless, stabled, paddock paradise, rugged, naked (horse, not me) and am happy to report that I am still learning !!  I really  enjoy the challenge of being Chair of the BBC and maintaining the lovely friendly, and supportive environment – not only towards members but also towards fellow clubs – that makes this club second to none.

Mobile: 07376 750 987

Di Dancer – President, Vice Chair & Show Secretary

I have had a passion for horses for the last 50 plus years.  I began riding as a child but gave up in my teens, it wasn’t until my daughter showed the same passion in horses that I took an interest once again.

I owned my first horse an Arabian Mare at the grand age of 40, however these days I just potter about on my daughters Arab mare Calli and help with her youngsters.

I became a member of Bewdley Bridle Club due to my daughter Jacqui and have been on the committee for over 7 years in numerous roles.

Mobile: 07855 067407

Jacqui Preece –  Dressage Training

I have owned my own horses for over 22 years and have bred a sports horse with the hope to event them in the future.  I have competed in Dressage, Showjumping, one day events and county level Showing.

I have been a member of Bewdley Bridle Club for over 10 years and have enjoyed all aspects of the club, the training on offer, camps, ability to compete in the teams and meeting new people with the same passion.

Mobile: 07855 861455

Ashleigh James – Area Team Manager 

Growing up, I always had a passion for horses, and became very competitive, especially in showjumping! Over the years, I have trained in all disciplines but found a real love for eventing! I currently own two horses… Tiggi- the family pony who is now semi retired, and Rambo- a very talented young horse with a few quirks 😂 I am very excited to become part of the committee this year and organise some great teams to send to all area competitions.

Mobile: 07817 044038



Nicky Lord – Camp Manager

 I currently own 3 horses of different ages and types, who have all attended various training sessions and with the support of the trainers have improved no end. Since being in the club my riding and confidence has improved so much and I owe this to the great (patient) trainers and the lovely friends I have made since joining.

I will be organising jumping clinics and the 2023 Camp this year.


Mobile: 07773 558 363

Leah Tolley – Mercian Team Manager

I have been a member of the club for many years and this is a return to the committee for me. I have had the pleasure of competing in many disciplines over the last 35 years but now concentrate mainly on county showing and British Dressage.

I have five beautiful horses including one homebred and all produced by me. I am looking forward to being a Mercian Representative this year and getting out there supporting as many teams and individuals as possible.


Jackie Hopkins – Treasurer & SJ Training

I fell in love with horses as a teenager and after a long break, pursued my passion as an adult. After many years supporting a competitive daughter, I bought a horse for me in 2018. He’s given me the confidence to have a go at most things and I joined Bewdley Bridle Club in 2020 to make use of the training on offer. Since then we’ve competed on Mercian teams across all disciplines and Mounted Games. 

Mobile: 07971 958185


Helen Grove – Membership Secretary, Website and E-Riders

Veteran rider with veteran horse. I love dressage and fun rides, but also dabble in showjumping and cross country. I’m a big fan of online competitions and am taking part in the E-Riders Riding Club League riding in the Novice and Elementary classes. The team is doing very well and we are League Champions for 3 seasons running – I hope you will consider joining in throughout 2024. 

Mobile: 07484 881347